GCSD Board of Directors Approves Stage II Drought Declaration
On May 26, 2016, the Groveland Community Services District (GCSD) Board of Directors voted 3-1, to revise the Drought restrictions to Phase II with Voluntary 20% water conservation requested, due to the relaxation of mandatory drought conservation requirements by the State of California.
Certainly the State still faces serious concerns over the conditions caused by the Drought, a more local level control philosophy has been introduced by the State rather than mandating a specific Conservation level specified by the Department of Water Resources. The GCSD Water Conservation Committee believes that the Drought conditions we experienced over the last four years are the new “normal” conditions we will be facing moving forward. Additionally, to stay eligible for Grant Funding it is important to remain at least at a 20% voluntary conservation level as the District continues to apply for these funds.
Additionally with the relaxation of the Mandates from the State, the GCSD Board voted 3-1, to approve reinstating the Sewer Rate structure that was in place prior to the implementation of Drought rates and reinstatement of the Landscape exemption (Winter Averaging) detailed within District Ordinance 1-10.
GCSD thanks all of those who have made considerable efforts to reduce their water usage. Reduce Water Use Now! Every Drop Counts. Can We Count on You?