Dog Park
To receive a Dog Park permit you will need to bring a completed Dog Park Application (available here or at District office) evidence of current Rabies and Bordetella vaccinations, county license for each dog to be registered, and fees paid via credit card, check, or cash to the District office at 18966 Ferretti Road, Groveland, CA 95321.
Dog Park Application
To pay for your Dog Park Permit online, follow the link here:
Online Dog Park Permit Payment
- All users are required to obtain a Dog Park Permit from the GCSD Administration Office prior to entry.
- Owners must cleanup their dog’s waste and dispose it in the provided trash receptacles.
- Dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting the Dog Park
- Owners must carry a leash and leash their dog at the first sign of aggression.
- Dogs must wear collars which display their current rabies tag and dog license.
- Owners must keep their dog in view and under control at all times. Owners are responsible for any injury or damage to property, other dogs, or the public.
- Owners must leave unhealthy dogs and those in heat at home.
- Owners are recommended to not let puppies under six months of age use the Dog Park.
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult when using the Dog Park.
- Dog treats are permitted; please refrain from bringing other food items into the Dog Park.
- All state, county, and GCSD ordinances will be enforced.